
The Dead Heir’s Melbourne Music Scene Video Game Music Video

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I know the title of this article is a bit of a tongue twister, but there is honestly no other way to describe this. Melbourne band The Dead Heir are promoting their new single ‘Wolves At My Door’ with not only a music video, but a playable video game music video. And to top that off, it features many of Melbourne’s famous live music venues, all in old school 8-bit glory.

The objective of the game, like a real life night out on the town, is that you control a long-haired music lover trying to grab as many beer bottles as possible, presumably to consume them. You walk past well known venues such as The National Hotel, The Tote Hotel, The Grace Darling, The Beaufort Hotel and The John Curtin Hotel while fighting man-sized wolves in suits. You get to ride a tram, ride a rocket into space where you can jump around trying to grab beer bottles against the lack of gravity (probably how you’ve felt after a few too many bevvies on a night out). All of this happens while the song plays, with 8-bit versions of the band members playing in the background.

Quite simply, this video’s ace. It’s full of old school side-scroller tropes you’ll recognise if you grew up playing the likes of Super Mario Bros and Contra, while also namedropping Melbourne bars that will make you laugh in recognition. You can play the game here, or if you’d rather just watch it as a normal music video, simply watch the video here.

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