
Spanish Film Festival Giveaways

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Ah, Spain. There’s just something about it; the beautiful sounding language, the inspiring countryside and buildings, and the gorgeous people. There’s something almost untouchable to those not from there, especially in a place nowhere near Spain like Australia. And put all these factors into a movie, and you’ve got one glorious film to behold.

Actually, there there is more than one film. The Spanish Film Festival will be starting in Melbourne from Wednesday April 22 until Sunday May 10, and Milk Bar Mag are giving away 10 double passes to its readers to see one film of their choice (excluding the opening and closing nights of the festival).

Some of the films being screened are the animated Pixar-esque family film Dixie And The Zombie Rebellion; the romantic comedy within a romantic comedy Easy Sex, Sad Movies; retro detective flick Marshland; docomentary Messi about the soccer player of the same name; and many more. Really, there are many great films on offer. There are even movies from Latin American countries, simply because they speak Spanish. What a variety!

All you have to do is send an email to matt@milkbarmag.com with your name and address to try to win these fab tickets. So don’t wait, do it now hombres!

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