

Molly Burch releases new album Romantic Images

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Born and raised in southern California, Molly Burch brings her local sound and attitude with her on single ‘Heart of Gold’. A very curated aesthetic permeates every aspect of this release from the song itself, through to its music video and single cover. Burch handles a notably baroque, classical image – not too far removed from something you would expect from Lana del Rey.

On ‘Heart of Gold’, Burch tells a tale of love and passion. That same passion can be felt through Burch’s anthemic tune, traversing all the highs and lows of her vocals throughout. The accompanying video is a wonderfully crafted ode to the feeling of being in love. This is expressed through a playful selection of love story tropes, knowingly corny and every bit as endearing.

The single arrives as a teaser to her album Romantic Images, which was released on Friday 23 July 2021. Coming on the heels of singles ‘Control’ and ‘Emotion’, the song writing of Molly Burch continues rollicking with a full head of steam.

‘Heart of Gold’ can be pinpointed by its lush production, creating a shimmering canvas for Burch’s artistry. It is all too easy to get lost in the bass-soaked, ethereal mood that it exudes. Using this opulent soundscape as a launching point, Burch creates an inviting world for her listeners to enter with her intriguing story and characters.

This comes as a return to Burch’s personal style which saw a diversion on her festive 2019 release The Molly Burch Christmas Album. Christmas themed or otherwise, Burch’s sound has always been that of her own – standing alone in a crowded indie pop scene. The single is buoyed by the same vibrancy and colour of these singles but forgoes their rhythmic, chorus-driven style for a more stripped-back piece. That is not at all to say the earworm stylism of these singles is not present here as the backing vocals on ‘Heart of Gold’ are nothing short of hypnotic.  

Previous single ‘Emotion’ (featuring Wild Nothing) was recognised on Cosmopolitan’s list of the Best Songs of 2021 so far. On her new single, Burch carries this momentum on her collision-course with stardom. ‘Heart of Gold’ is another exciting precursor of what to expect on the upcoming ‘Romantic Images’.

‘Romantic Images’ was be released via Captured Tracks/Remote Control Records. Listen to ‘Heart of Gold’ here.

Molly Burch
Artist page

Image: Jackie Lee Young

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