
Art This Way

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Want some affordable (but very attractive) art on your walls? Collingwood’s Gallery #9 is where it’s at.

Inspired by the City of Yarra Art This Way weekend (15th-17th August), where galleries, artist run spaces and creative studios across Collingwood and Fitzroy fling open their doors and host special events, Johnston Street’s Gallery #9 has lined it walls with the works of 18 artists from across Victoria and beyond.

Sparkling wine and cheese-laden cracker in hand, Milk Bar Mag caught up with gallery manager Donna Bennett-Campi at the Art This Way August exhibition launch party. Taking advantage of the crowds that the wintry weekend is renowned for luring, she’s curated a striking collection of pieces. “I wanted to have as many artists as possible showing, to get their identities out there,” she says.

The exhibition sports the likes and talents of everyone from acclaimed artist Roz McQuillan, to relative newcomers Emily Flanigan (with her Warhol-esque works) and 19-year-old James Prentice (with his epic coastal landscapes).

What they all have in common is serious visual appeal, be it abstract, pop-art, sculptural or decorative piece. “I go for things that I think will sell,” says Donna, claiming to be no art expert. “We’re not into fine art, we’re much more contemporary,” a trait no better embodied than by Gerard O’Connor’s Bordello ­– an enormous photographed scene of scandals playing out in a decadent brothel.

It’s colourful, crazy and easy on the eye, and with works starting from a mere $75 it’ll make anyone a collector.

Art This Way August Exhibition
Gallery #9, 9 Johnston Street, Collingwood
Thurs – Sun 1-6pm (runs till the end of August)

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