Articles written by: Linda Shi

Don’t Judge Me!

We are often told never to judge. But Tom Casamento's cabaret Don’t Judge Me! shows audiences just how fun judgements can be.

How I Met My Dead Husband

How I Met My Dead Husband, is a cabaret that remixes the elements of music, language and comedy all into a neatly packaged performance about the dichotomy of love.

Hearts Beat Loud

Brett Haley’s 2018 musical drama, Hearts Beat Loud, tackles this issue of change head-on, delving into the emotional and mental impact of human metamorphosis.


Sam Anderson stars in Bi-Cycle, a solo, high energy, pseudo-spin class performance about his own personal experience with sexuality and acceptance.

The Naked Self

When was the last time you looked at your body? The Naked Self, an exhibition that focuses on the concept of body and the small personal differences that define them.

Electro Girl

Have no fear Electro Girl is here! Hosted inside The Butterfly Club down in Little Collins, the one-woman theatrical show depicts the life-long struggle of our protagonist, Lainie Chait, with epilepsy and mental health.

Humor Me

Starring Jermaine Clement, Humor Me is a new comedy that follows an award-winning playwright who is forced to move back in with his father.


Stuck focuses on six individuals, all from different aspects of society, and thrust together into the carriage of a train due to a technical malfunction.

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