Articles written by: Genevieve Wood

Glory Box: Paradise

This titillating showcase is one way to get heated up on a winter's night .

The Sovereign Wife

The Sovereign Wife wreaks havoc on colonial themes, cliches and regular MTC goers.

Little Orphan Trashley

It’s the musical you know and love, but definitely not how you remembered it.

Lord of the Flies

Think you know what happens when civilisation versus savagery? The boys may well have killed the pig but this time, it’s being played out by the ladies.

Shattered: The All-Australian Terrorist

Spilling events from the subconscious and moulding them into an aircraft wreckage, Jessi Lewis presents us with the first all Australian terrorist in his new original play.


Bell Shakespeare turns to Greek tragedy, big themes and even bigger costumes in their latest production.

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